- South Africa
- Eastern Cape
- Free State
- Gauteng
- KwaZulu Natal
- Limpopo
- Mpumalanga
- North West
- Northern Cape
- Western Cape
- 1 Life Projects
- AA Realtors
- African Paradise Investments
- Anaprop Property Management
- ANGOR Property Specialists
- Anton Mulder
- Aquacor Property Developers
- Aquiity Group
- Arcis
- Aroma Properties
- Arrowtrade
- Arthur Baron Estates
- Asrin Property Developers
- Aview
- Bardale Village Development (Pty)
- Baron's View Dev
- Barzani 53 (Pty) Ltd
- Bastion Development Group (Pty) Ltd
- Bateleur Estate
- Bayviewbridge PTY LTD
- BBS Developers
- Bearcon Homes
- Bedrock Group
- Belvedere Trust
- Biad Property
- Big Real Estate
- Birdhaven Estate
- BlackBrick
- Blok
- Blue Titan Investment Group
- Bluegrass Trading 1028 Pty Ltd
- Boukorp (Pty) Ltd
- Bricklane Properties
- Bun Malan
- Burrie Smit
- C5i (Pty) Ltd
- Calgro M3
- Cannistraro Investments
- Cape Gannet Properties
- Cape Impact
- Cape Town Community Housing Company
- Cape Winelands Properties
- Celsa Properties
- Central Developments
- Central Developments - Midrand
- Central Property Developments - JHB
- Century Property Developments
- Chas Everitt Developments
- CityDev
- Clusten 19 (PTY) LTD
- Coastal Homes
- Coetzer Prop CC
- Core Property Brokers (PTY) LTD
- Cosmopolitan Projects
- Craft Homes
- CroYdon Gardens Estate
- Darling Green Country Estate
- Development And Property Man
- Development Services SA
- DF Distributors Pty Ltd
- DHP Construction
- Domito Developments
- EARP Construction
- Edward Place
- Engel & Völkers Potchefstroom
- Exclusive Developments (Pty) Ltd
- Explore Developments
- Fabulous Homes
- First Choice Development
- Foce Property Investment
- Galencia Property Sales
- Garlington Development Trust
- Genesis Projects.
- GHC - Gauteng Housing Co
- Gildan Construction
- Goldburg Property & Development
- Goldmark Developments
- Gough Cooper Homes
- Greeff Properties
- Green Anchor Property Group SA
- Green Route Properties
- Greenbelt Developments
- GRM Property Development
- Gwens Stream Estates
- Harcourts Select
- Hathorn Developments
- Henra (Pty) Ltd
- Heriot Reit
- Homes of Distinction
- Hulett Development Company
- Innovia Properties
- Investec Property
- Irwing Properties
- Ivora Properties
- Izinga Hills Private Estate
- J.D Nicholson
- Jade Group
- Jevic Property Holdings
- JT Group
- Just Invest
- Kamp 248 Sabie Park
- Key Housing
- KM Housing
- Kolver Properties
- Kosal Construction & Developments
- Lamane Developments (Pty) Ltd
- Lapalaka Property Projects
- Lazercor Developments
- Leapfrog
- Lenova Construction & Development
- Leogem Property Projects
- Lutoria Investments CC
- M S Development
- M&T Development
- M7 Konstruksie
- Martens Estates
- Mason
- Maverick Developments
- MCape
- MDV Developments
- Melrose Estates
- Mission Holding Group
- MMR Property Developers
- Moiprox (Pty) Ltd
- Montagu Property Group
- Moose Valley Farms
- MSP Developments
- MXN Development Construction
- Nelesco 569
- Nguni Properties
- Nieuwe Steenberg Development Co
- Nooitgedacht Real Estate Pty Ltd
- Nooitgedacht Village
- North West Developers
- NS Property Solutions
- Olivewood Private Estate & Golf Club
- Omwieco
- One Thibault
- Oribel Properties
- Paige Developments
- Paluma Developments
- Pilcom Projects
- Proclare (Pty) Ltd
- Profitz Ltd
- Propcan (Pty) Ltd
- Property Direct Group (PTY) Ltd
- Property World
- PropertyCB
- Proprop Construction & Civils
- Proptec
- Proximity Prop
- Quion Online
- Rahina Properties
- Raudev
- Rawson Developers.
- RE/MAX Independent Properties - Lorraine
- Red Castle Developments
- Reeflords Property Development
- Regency Developments
- Renico Construction
- Renico Construction (PTY) Ltd
- Ric Development (Pty) Ltd
- Sandak-Lewin Developments
- Seeff Developments
- Seeff Glenvista
- Sencon Een (Pty) Ltd
- Silverlake Trading
- Similan Consult
- Sinai Marketing
- Sotheby's International
- SSI Group
- Straight A’s Trading (Pty) Ltd
- Structura Construction
- Struwig Project Managing.
- Summercon
- Surevest Marketing
- Swisatec
- Synergy in Developments
- Tamasa Developments
- Terracon Properties (Pty) Ltd
- Terranova Sales Office
- The Lynnx
- The Wynne
- Thora Light PTY LTD
- Three I Housing
- Tricolt Property Developments CC
- Tundwe Construction
- Tyto Group Investments
- UBUD Developments (Pty) Ltd
- Valumax
- VCR Properties
- Villaview Developers
- Vygeboom Estate
- Wedgewood Golf & Country Estate
- Werner Stander Development cc
- Westacre Property Group
- Willow Wood Estate
- Worthy Homes
- Your Housing Company
- Yzerfontein Property Developers
- Zimbali Estate Agency
- Zotos Construction
Developments, Estates & Residential Communities
- 1 On Albert
- 10 on Eaton
- 10 on Molenvliet
- 104 Bram Fisher
- 10@Jason
- 111 Mount Street
- 11Twenty on Beach
- 12 on Dover
- 12 The Valley Walk
- 12 Windell
- 121 On Ken
- 122 On Kessell
- 125 on Hilton
- 126 Eccleston
- 131 Eccleston
- 14 on Linda
- 14 on Linda
- 140 Coleraine
- 140 On Jeugd
- 142 on Eccleston
- 144 Imam Haron
- 145 on Union
- 145 on Union
- 15 On H
- 155 Wilton Avenue
- 156 On Rosmead
- 158 Rigel
- 16 Bordeaux
- 16 On Talisman
- 169 on Blueberry
- 169 On Main
- 17 Marine Drive
- 170 Grosvenor
- 19 On Torquay
- 2 On Hill
- 2 on Shirley
- 2 St Audley
- 21 on Wellington
- 23 Boland
- 232 On Kent
- 25 On Drama
- 26 Marais Road
- 260 on Hill
- 271 Hull Road Terraces
- 271 Hull Road Terraces
- 28 Chesterfield
- 288@Livingstone Retirement Village
- 29 on 8th
- 29 Queens
- 3 On Buckingham
- 300 on York
- 304 on Main
- 31 on Bantry
- 31 on St James
- 331 York
- 33@View
- 34 Old Kilcullen
- 345 on Bryanston
- 35 The River Road
- 36 Higgo Crescent
- 37 Morsim
- 376 On Devereaux
- 38 on Morsim
- 385 Cork Ave
- 4 Chepstow
- 4 Chepstow
- 4 Chepstow
- 4 Oaks
- 40 On Assagay
- 40 on North
- 41 on 20th
- 42 Killarney
- 42 On South
- 43 on First
- 43 St Audley
- 44 Devonshire
- 44 on Morsim
- 450 Monchique Estate
- 47 Douglas Road
- 470 On Felstead
- 5 on Westbourne
- 50 Upper Rhine
- 501 On Kay
- 54 On Dean
- 55 On Cowley
- 56 on Grey
- 56 Rissik
- 6 ON N
- 60 First
- 63 on 18th
- 63 on Stiglingh
- 66 On Dolomite
- 68 on Bond
- 69 on High
- 7 on Bantry
- 7 Westbourne
- 70 on High
- 79 East Hertford
- 8 Molteno
- 81 on Rosemead
- 836 On Meerlust
- 8th On Fordyce
- 9 Bel Ombre
- 9 on Charles
- 9 On Charles
- 9 On Douglas
- 9 on Glendower
- 9 on Portland
- 96 On Newlands
- 97 On Strand
- 97 on Strand
- @Forestwalk
- @Home
- @Marija
- @terbury
- Aan De Hawequas
- Acacia Grove
- Accordion Park
- Acorn Creek
- Acorn Creek Apartments
- Adadi Estate
- Adadi Estate
- Adonai
- Adonare Estate
- Adonare Estate
- Adoway
- African Monarch
- Akaru
- Alanash Village
- Aldanah Security Estate
- Alente
- Algrove Estate
- Allandale View
- Allegro
- Allesverloren
- Alliance Ext 1
- Alliance Springs
- Alliance X5
- Aloe Estate
- Alpha
- Alpha One
- Alpha One
- Alpine Village
- Alpine Way
- Alto Livello
- Alto Ridge
- Amanda Hills
- Amandasig
- Amandasig
- Amandasig Ext 73
- Amber Bluff
- Amber View
- Amberfield City
- Amelie's Place
- Amphitheatre
- Anchor Towers
- Anistemi - Retirement Village
- Annlin Lifestyle Place
- Annlin Place
- Apartments on Gerhard
- Apartments on Gerhard
- Apex Estate
- Appian Way
- Applegarth
- Applegarth Security Estate
- Aquila Estate
- Arabella
- Arabella
- Arbour Nature Estate
- Arcata Estate
- Arcon Park
- Ariana Manor
- Arnim Apartments
- Arrabella
- Artatore
- Artisan Lofts
- Arvida Lane
- Ascend to Midstream – Luxury Estate Apartments
- Ascot Estate
- Ashbury Grove
- Ashwood
- Atholl Capital
- Augusta
- Augusta
- Aura.
- Aurora
- Aurum
- Aurum
- Autumn Acres
- Auvergne Estate
- Avalon
- Avec La Terre
- Avenida
- Avianto
- Avli
- Avli
- Azaadville Gardens
- Azaadville Gardens
- Azima View
- Azure on Big Bay
- Azure on Big Bay Waterfront
- Bains Game Lodge
- Baleta Estate
- Baleta Villas
- Ballito Groves
- Ballito Life
- Ballito Village
- Baltimore Lifestyle Estate
- Bannerman Close Estate
- Barbets Crest - Loerie Park
- Bardale Village
- Bardale Village - De Hoop
- Baron's View Private Estate
- Bateleur
- Bateleur
- Bateleur
- Bateleur Estate
- Bateleur Highrise
- Bateleur Stacks
- Bateleur Stacks
- Bateleur Stacks 3
- Bay Village
- Beach Break
- Beach House
- Beau Glen
- Beauvais Hills
- Beauvais Hills
- Beira Mar
- Bel-Aire Place
- Bel-Aire Place
- Bel-Aire Place
- Belgravia - Langford Country Estate
- Bella Rosa
- Bella Rosa Security Estate
- Belladonna Estate
- Belle Haven
- Belvedere Place 2
- Benard Close
- Bergvallei Retirement Estate
- Bergvliet Manor
- Berkdale Village
- Berula
- Berula
- Beryldene
- Beverly Hills
- Biltmore Gables
- Birchfield Lifestyle Apartments
- Birchwood Village
- Birdhaven Estate
- Bishop Rock
- Bishops Gate
- Bishops Village
- Bishopscourt
- Bison
- Black Olive Estate
- BlackBrick 2
- BlackBrick Bedfordview
- BlackBrick Cape Town City
- BlackBrick Gardens
- Blackburn
- Bliss Ballito
- Blouberg Mews
- Blue Crane & Silver Fox Estate
- Blue Hills
- Blue Hills
- Blue Hills
- Blue Hills Equestrian Estate
- Blue Hills New Development
- Blue Hills Village
- Blue Lake Estate
- Blue Ridge
- Blue Stream Villas Estate
- Blue Swallow Residential Estate
- Bluez
- Boardwalk Heights
- Bonnie Villas
- Bonsai Estate
- Bonterre Village
- Bortoli Villas
- Bosvlier Estate
- Botanica Constantia
- Boudouris Apostles
- Boudouris Paddocks
- Boulder Apartments
- Boulders Estate
- Boulevard Edge
- Brandi-Ann Estate
- Breaker View
- Brendavere Estate
- Brendavere Estate
- Brenton Haven Beachfront Resort Knysna
- Brentwood Manor
- Brettenwood Coastal Estate
- Bridgeport
- Bridgewater One
- Broadlands Village 2
- Brommaert Terrace
- Brooke Manor
- Brookfield at Royal
- Brooklands Estate
- Brooklands Ridge
- Brooklyn Estate
- Brooksfield Manor
- Brookwood
- Bryanston Place
- Buh-Rein Retirement Village II
- Buhle Gardens
- Buhle Gardens
- Buhle Park
- Bulrush View
- Bunku Heights
- Burgundy
- Burgundy
- Burmeister on Park
- Bushmans Creek
- Bushwillow Place
- Butterfield Bend
- Campus Living Three
- Canvas82
- Canyon Villas
- Cape Dahlia
- Cape on Popham
- Cape on Popham
- Cape on Porterfield
- Cape on Viola
- Capital View
- Capricorn Village
- Carmel Close
- Carmen Place
- Carnival City Lifestyle Estate - East Village
- Carnival Green
- Carnival Green
- Cas-Mar
- Casa Dupre
- Casablanca
- Cascade Manor
- Cascades Waterfall
- Cascadia
- Casselberry Estates
- Castle Gate Residential
- Castle Hill
- Castle Oaks
- Castle Rock
- Cavendish Mews
- Cedar Acres
- Cedar Acres
- Cedar Creek Corner
- Cedar Creek Corner
- Cedar Creek Estate
- Cedar Creek Estate - 2
- Cedar Hill
- Cedar Lofts
- Cedar Place
- Celebration Retirement Estate
- Centenario
- Centenary Park
- Centinela
- Centinela
- Centinela
- Centinela Square
- Centinela Square
- Central Park
- Central Park
- Central Park @ Lotus
- Central Park @ Lotus Garden
- CentralBlue
- Cerise
- Cerise
- Chanan
- Chandelle
- Chantecler
- Chantecler Terrace
- Chapel Towers
- Chardonnay Court
- Chelsea
- Chelsea / Dawn Park
- Chelsea on Main
- Cherry Blossom
- Chessington
- Cheval
- Chez Under Oaks
- Chief Mogale X2 (Kagiso)
- Churchlands
- Circa Illovo
- Circa Lynnwood
- Clara Anna Fontein
- Clarendon Hills
- Clarens
- Claymore
- Clearwater Estate
- Clearwater Village
- Clivia
- Clivia
- Clover Forest
- Clover Forest
- Clover Hill
- Clover Manor
- Clover Park
- Clover Ridge
- Cloverfield
- Club JunXion
- Cobble Stone
- Coeur De Lion
- Coeur De Lion
- Colorado
- Colorado Village
- Compton Estate
- Conifer Hill
- Copperbell
- Copperhill Estate
- Copperleaf Estate
- Coppermill
- Coral Beach Estate
- Coral Point
- Coral Point
- Coral Sands
- Coral Wood Village
- Cornwall
- Cornwall Country Estate
- Cosmo Creek
- Cottage Creek
- Cottage Creek
- Cottesmore Terraces
- Cotton Fields Centurion
- Cottonwoods
- Country Estate
- Country Gardens Estate
- Country Gardens Estate
- Cove Rock Country Estate
- Cowley Row
- Cradle Ridge
- Craftsmens Ship
- Crescent Road
- Crescent Wood Estate
- Crestview Manor
- Crofton Park
- Crossways Farm Village
- Crown Hill
- Crowthorne Estate
- Crowthorne Estate
- Crowthorne Village
- CroYdon Gardens Estate
- Crystal Park
- Crystal Park
- Crystal Park Ext65
- Cubana
- Cypraea Sands Estate
- Danville Eco Estate
- Danville Eco Estate
- Danville Eco Park
- Dan’s Place
- Darling Green Country Estate
- Daveyton Glen
- Dawn City
- Dawn City
- Dawn City
- Dawn Park Ext 47
- De Dam
- De Goede Hoop @3831
- De Meule
- De Plattekloof Lifestyle Estate - Assisted Living Suites
- De Plattekloof Lifestyle Estate - Exquisite Homes
- De Plattekloof Lifestyle Estate - Luxury Apartments
- De Rust
- De Sonnendal
- De Velde
- De Villiers Estate
- De'Bute De Ville
- Deer Park
- Del Luna
- delaCasa@swallowhills
- Delano View
- Delaware
- Dellwood Estate
- Delmore Park Ex7
- Devonbosch
- Devonvale Golf Estate
- Diamond City
- Diamond City
- Diaz Estate
- Diemersfontein Wine Estate
- Dixie Vale Bushveld Estate
- Domain
- Domaine Bordeaux
- Dombeya
- Dorma Square
- Douglasgate
- Drakenzicht
- Draper Gardens
- Drysdale Heights
- Due West
- Duke’s Gate
- Dune Crest
- Dune Crest
- Eagle Crescent
- Eagle Heights
- Eagle View
- Eagleton Apartments
- Earls Court - The Gardens
- Earls Court Lifestyle Estate
- Earls Court The Views
- Earls Court The Village
- East View
- Eastglen
- Eastside Ridge
- Eastview
- Eastview Estate
- Eastview Estate
- Eastwood Manor
- Eden Estate
- Eden Estate
- Eden Estate
- Eden Estate
- Eden Residential Estate
- Eden Residential Estate - Apartments
- Eden Sandton
- Eden Sandton
- Eden View Lifestyle Estate
- Edenburg Terrace
- Edenwood Estate
- Edgecliff Views
- Edgecliff Views
- Edgehill Estate
- Edward Place
- Eight on First
- Eight on Third
- Eighty Two on Harfield
- Eightyone Rosmead
- El Da Haven
- El-Sela
- Elaleni Coastal Forest Estate
- Elaleni Gardens
- Eland Estate
- Elands Rock
- Elands Rock
- Elandspoort
- Elawini Lifestyle Estate
- Elbert Heights
- Elbert Heights
- Eldorette Security Estate
- Eldorette Security Estate
- Eldrid Manor
- Elemente
- Elephant Eye
- Elephant Terrace
- Elephant Terrace
- Ella Palm Lakes
- Ellipse Waterfall
- Ellisras
- Eloff Square
- Emara
- Embassy Towers
- Emberton
- Emerald Fields
- Emerald Skye
- Emeralds Place
- Emet Valley
- Emfuleni Lifestyle Estate
- Endulini
- Enfield
- Esprit
- Essenhout Plein
- Evaton West
- Everwick Manor
- Eye of Africa Signature Golf Estate
- Fairbrook Retirement Village
- Fairfields
- Fairhaven
- Fairhaven Country Estate
- Fairview
- Fairview
- Fairway Crest Estate
- Fairway View
- Fairwest
- Farrier's Village
- Fawn Manor
- Featherbrooke
- Featherbrooke Private Estate
- Featherstone
- Fern Valley
- Fernel Park
- Fernhill
- Fernridge Mews
- Fernridge North
- Fernwood
- Fernwood
- Fernwood
- Fernwood
- Fifth on Brooklyn
- Fifty Four Sixteenth
- Figwood
- Finsbury
- Fish Eagle Estate
- Fish Eagle Mews
- Fish Eagle Mews
- Fish Eagle View
- Flamingo Mews
- Florida Heights
- Fontijn on Newhaven
- Forbes Park
- Forbes Park
- Forest Acres
- Forest Hill
- Forte
- Forte
- Forty Nine on Cowley
- Forty Six on Frans Hals
- Fountain Ridge
- Fountainhill
- Fountainhill Phase 2
- Four Leaf Estate
- Fourleaf Estate
- Francolin Place
- Freestanding Homes - Buh-Rein
- Frontier
- Furrow Sands
- Fynbos
- Fynbos Village
- Fynbosstrand
- Ga Rankuwa - Unit 9
- Galloway
- Galpini Village
- Galpini Village
- Garlington
- Garlington Village
- Gem Valley
- Gem Valley
- Gemgrove
- Gemstone Estate
- Giants View Estate
- Giovanni Luxury Terrace Apartments
- Glen Acres Park Estate
- Glenway
- Glenway Estate
- Glenwood Estate
- Goldberg
- Golden Fields Estate
- Golden Oaks
- Golfview
- Gonubie Palms
- Gonubie Palms
- Grace Valley
- Graceland
- Grand Views
- Grand West
- Grand West - Andeon
- Grandeur Estate
- Grange Park
- Green Eye
- Green Garden Estate
- Green Leaf Estate
- Green Oaks
- Green Oaks
- Green Street
- Green Valley Estate
- Green Valley Estate
- Green Valley Estate
- Greencreek
- Greenfield
- Greenfields
- Greenfields
- Greenfields Corner
- Greenleaf Residential Estate
- Greenlee
- Greenpark
- Greenside Estate
- Greenways Estate
- Greenways Estate
- Greenwich Village
- Greenwood Square
- Grey Stone
- Greystone Residential Development
- Greystone Village
- Griffindorp Apartments
- Groenkloof Gardens Retirement Village
- Groenkloof Glen Retirement Village
- Groenkloof Woods Retirement Village
- Hadley Wood
- Hagley
- Halfway Parks
- Hamberg Mews
- Harbour Arch
- Harbour Bay
- Harburn Views
- Harmonica Sands - Woodwind Estates
- Harvard Crest
- Hawequa
- Hawston - Large Plots
- Hazeldean
- Hazelwood
- Heasley Place
- Heasley Place
- Heatherview Estate
- Heatherview Ext 79
- Heaven@7
- Heerenzicht Estate
- Heidelberg Ext 9
- Heidelberg Ext 9
- Helderberg Manor Apartments
- Helderfontein Estate
- Heritage Hill Phase 2
- Heritage Hill Square
- Herolds Bay Country Estate - Plots
- Heron Banks Golf and River Estate
- Heron Hill Garden Estate
- Heron's Rest
- Herschelwood
- Heuwel West
- Heuwelsig View
- Hibiscus Gardens
- Hibiscus Place
- Hibiscus Place Stands
- Highbridge
- Highland Gate
- Highlands Eco-Estate
- Highline
- Highline
- Hillensberg
- Hillock Living
- Hillside
- Hillside
- Hoffmans View
- Homestead
- Honeydew Country Estate
- Honeydew Country Estate
- Honeysuckle Cottages
- Hummingbird
- Hummingbird Estate
- Hurleyvale
- Hurleyvale
- Husk
- Hyde Park One
- Hyde Park Terraces
- Iconyc
- Idube Lifestyle Village
- Ihlathi
- Ilios Villas
- Ilkey@Maine
- Illanga Ridge
- Imhoff Manor
- Imhoff Manor
- Impangele
- Indigo Lane
- Indlovu
- Infinité
- Infinitum Towers
- Infinity
- Intaba Estate
- Intaba Estate
- Intaba Ridge Secure Eco-Estate
- Intaba Terraces
- IQ Marula
- IQ Arabella
- IQ Arabella
- iQ Artair
- IQ Arvada
- iQ Belmonte
- iQ Bishopscourt
- iQ Bishopscourt
- IQ Buffalo
- iQ Bushwillow
- IQ Bushwillow
- IQ Bushwillow
- IQ Bushwillow
- IQ Marula
- IQ Meerendal
- iQ Meerendal
- IQ Meerendal
- IQ Meerendal
- iQ Morgenroodt
- iQ Rondebosch
- IQ Tuari
- IQ Waitikiri
- IQ Whistling Thorn
- IQ Whistling Thorn
- iQ Yellowstone
- IQ Zomerlust
- iQ Zomerlust
- IQ Zomerlust
- iQ Zomerlust
- Isabel Estate
- Isabella
- iThemba
- Ivory Grove
- Ivy
- IX Montrose
- Izinga Hills Private Estate - Villa Grande
- Jabulani Junction
- Jacana Eco Estate
- Jackal Creek Golf Estate
- Jackalberry Close
- Jedburgh
- Kamagugu 4
- Karino Lifestyle Estate
- Karoo Park Retirement Village
- Katara
- Kengies Square
- Kenley
- Kensington Place
- Kenton
- Keukenhof
- Key Largo
- Key West
- Key West
- Kgoro Central
- Kiara Village
- Kidds Lifestyle Estate and Retirement Village
- Kierland Skye
- Kilburn Park
- Kildare Lane
- Kildare Lane
- Kildare Place
- Kilimanjaro Security Village
- Kilimanjaro Security Village
- King David Views
- King Henry VIII
- King's Corner
- Kingfisher Estate
- Kings Blockhouse
- Kingsley
- Kingston Mews
- Kingston View
- Kingsview East
- Kingsview East
- Klein D'aria Private Estate
- Klein de Koning
- Kleine Parys 2
- Kleine Parys Estate 2
- Klerksoord Housing Project
- Klerksoord X28
- Klipfontein Country Estate
- Kloofsig
- Knotting Hill
- Koelenbosch Country Estate
- Koelenbosch Country Estate
- Koelenbosch Country Estate
- Kogelberg Estate
- Kokerboom
- Komati
- Komo Mews
- Kosmosdal
- Kosmosdal Ext 86
- Kristal Crescent Place
- Kuypers Corner
- Kya Sands-Tirong
- Kyalami Court
- Kyalami Glen Clusters
- L'Ermitage Chateau & Villas
- La Camargue Private Country Estate - La Vida Village
- La Camargue Private Country Estate - Vacant Land
- La Cascade
- La Como Lifestyle Estate
- La Esquina
- La Luc Estate
- La Mer
- La Paloma
- La Rochelle Retirement Village
- La Vida Pico
- La Vie Nouvelle
- La Vie Nouvelle Retirement and Wellness Estate
- La Vignia Estate
- La Vista
- La Vue II
- La'Mare
- Lady Blake Estate
- Laguna Sands Estate
- Lake Michelle
- Lake View
- Lakefield
- Lakeview Estate
- Lalela Estate
- Lallybroch
- Lamecia
- Lancaster Mews
- Langebaan Country Club
- Langebaan Manor Luxury Apartments
- Langebaan Manor Retirement & Lifestyle Estate
- Langevlei Village
- Langley Hills
- Lazio
- Le Boulevard
- Le Bourgette
- Le Domaine
- Le Grand Estate
- Le Jardin
- Le Parc Residential Estate
- Le Rosa
- Le Rouge
- Le Sueur
- Le Val Bleu
- Leabrook
- Leah Terrace
- Leano
- Lebowa Park
- Leeuwen Spruit Executive Packages
- Lefika
- Lehae
- Lehae
- Lemon Thorn Village
- Lemon Wood
- Leopard Rock
- Leopard Rock
- Leopard Tree
- Leopard Tree
- Leopard Tree
- Leopards Rest Security Estate
- Lethabong
- Lethabong
- Lia
- Libertas
- Libertas Manor
- Lidgetton
- Lifestyle Edge Retirement and Assisted Living
- Likweti Bushveld Farm Estate
- Lilyfield
- Lincoln
- Lindenberg Village
- Lions Head
- Lipalesa
- Little Heaven
- Little Places
- Little Tobago
- Living Moad
- Lodestone
- Loeries Place
- Loerie’s Park
- Lofts on Drakensberg
- Loftus View
- Lombardy Estate
- Lombardy Meander
- Longmarket Mews
- Lotus Gardens Ext 18
- Lotus Heights
- Lotus Heights
- Lotus Heights
- Lotus Lane
- Lotus Rock
- Lovemore Park Estate
- Lufhereng
- Lufhereng
- Lufhereng
- Lugano
- Lugano
- Luka’s Corner
- Luxe Zimbali
- Lynnbridge Lofts
- Lynnwood Crescent
- Lynnwood Estate
- Lynnwood Living
- L’Afrique Verte
- Macadamia
- Macadamia Life Right Homes
- Macassar Sunrise Villas
- Macassar Village
- Macassar Village Estate
- Mackenzi Palms Estate
- Madison Manor @ Waterfall
- Magenta
- Magnolia Ridge
- Mahube Manor Estate
- Maisonnette Meent
- Makarios
- Makarios
- Makarios
- Mandalay
- Manor Estates - Manor Views
- Manor Gardens
- Manor Park
- Manzil Park
- Maple
- Maranello
- Marelden Estate
- Mariners Village apartments - Endeavour
- Maritime Place
- Marjoram Boulevard
- Marjoram Boulevard
- Marjoram Boulevard
- Marnard
- Marnard Luxury Apartments
- Maroela View
- Marquette
- Marrakesh
- Martha’s Vineyard
- Martin View
- Marula
- Marula
- Matlosana Estate Ext 3,5 & 6
- Matumi Valley
- Mayfield Village
- Meadow Park
- Meadowlark
- Medburn Villas
- Melody
- Melody Manor
- Melrose Estates
- Menlo Views
- Menlyn Maine Residences
- Methley Manor
- Miami Sands
- Miami View
- Midview Gardens
- Milano Security Estate
- Mill Park Private Estate
- Millennial Arch
- Millin Mews
- Milost Avenija
- Mimosa Village
- Mjejane Game Reserve
- Moby in Mowbray
- Mode De Vie
- Mode de Vie Residential Estate
- Mods@Willows
- Mont Acres
- Mont Calm
- Mont Claire
- Mont Fleur Mountain Estate
- Mont Tremblant
- Montana Maine
- Montana Maine
- Montana Maine
- Montana Village
- Montcalm Estate
- Monte Christo Retirement Village
- Montego
- Montem
- Montmedy Manor
- Montserrat
- Montview
- Mooi Land
- Mooiberge
- Mooiberge
- Mooiberge
- Mooikloof
- Mooikloof Ridge Estate
- Moonlight Villa
- Moose Valley
- Mopani
- Morena Manor
- Morganwood
- Morninghill Gardens
- Mount Belinda
- Mount Pleasant Manor
- Mount Sophia
- Mount Vernon Residential Estate
- Mount Village
- Mountain View Estate
- Mountain View Villas
- Mt Simon Estate
- Mulbarton Gardens
- My Suite
- Mzuri Estate
- Na'Ava
- Nellmapius X13-X20
- New Horizon Village
- New Modder
- Newinbosch
- Newlands Peak
- Newlands Terrace
- Newstead
- Newton Estate
- Newton Estate
- Newton Lofts
- Ngwenya River Estate
- Nieuwe Steenberg
- Nightingale Crescent
- Nimbati Estate
- Nimbati Estate
- Nimbati Estate
- Nimbati Residence
- Nine Oaks
- Nirvana
- Nivica
- Noah’s Village
- Nooitgedacht Village
- North Park Mall
- North Village - Fish Eagle Estates
- Northcliff Ext12 Development
- Northern Gate
- Northern View
- Northfield Manor
- Northfield Manor
- Northridge
- Northumberland Park
- Notting Hill
- Nottingham
- Nottinghill
- Nouvelle
- Nova
- Nuutgevonden
- Nuutgevonden
- Oak Corner
- Oak Land Estate
- Oak Lodges
- Oaklane Corner
- Oakleaf Place
- Oakleigh
- Oakwood
- Oakwood
- Oasis
- Oasis Life
- Oasis on Pine
- Ocean Breeze
- Ocean Club
- Ocean Club
- Ocean Terraces
- Ocean Villas
- Oceans on Eight
- Oceans On Main
- Oceans Umhlanga
- Ochre
- Octave
- Offord Manor
- Old Orchards Estate
- Olde Cork Farm
- Olea View Apartments
- Olien
- Olieven Glen
- Olive Gardens
- Olive Gardens
- Olive Grove
- Olive Hill Estate
- Olive Tree
- Olivewood Estate
- Olivewood Private Estate & Golf Club
- Olympus Parks
- Olympus Range
- One Forty Third
- One on Scott
- One on York - Apartments
- One on York - Group Housing
- One on York - Group Housing Kamdebo
- One on York - Townhouses
- One Rosebank
- One Rosebank
- One Thibault
- Optenhorst Estate
- Optima
- Orange View
- Orchard Apartments
- Orchard Row
- Orchards Ext 46
- Orchards Ext 6
- Orchards Village
- Orchards Village
- Orchards Village
- Orchards x 116
- Orchid Ridge
- Oribi
- Oribi Ridge Estate
- Oude Chardonnay
- Oukraal - Fun Living
- Oukraal - Houses
- Outeniquasbosch Wildlife Village
- Oxford Heights
- Oxford Heights
- Oxford Rise
- Oxford View
- Paarl Valleij Lifestyle Estate & Farm
- Paiko Ridge
- Palm Beach Villas
- Palm City
- Palm City
- Palm City
- Palm Springs
- Palm View
- Palm View
- Palm View Estate
- Panorama East
- Panorama Ridge
- Panorama West
- Paperbark Estate
- Park Central
- Park Crescent
- Park Lane Estate
- Park Manor
- Park Royal
- Park View
- Parkdene Manor
- Parkhill Place
- Parkridge
- Parkridge Estate
- Parkwood on the Greens
- Parys Golf and Country
- Passfields
- Paternoster Middedorp
- Peach Orchards
- Pearl Dew Heights
- Pearl Valley
- Pearson Place
- Pebble Cove
- Pebble Lane
- Pebble Lane
- Pebble Lane
- Pecanwood Retirement Village
- Pelican Place
- Pepper Lane
- Pepper Tree Estate
- Pepper Tree Lane
- Perez Estate
- Perez Estate
- Perez Estate
- Peridot
- Perla
- Piccadilly
- Piccolo Close
- Piccolo Close - Woodwind Estates
- Pin Oak Heights
- Pine Grove
- Pine Terrace
- Pine Terrace
- Pine Valley
- Pinehurst
- PineLane Estate
- Pinnacle 5
- Pinnacle Park
- Pinot Mews
- Pinotage Place
- Pinotage Villas
- Pipers Walk - Woodwind Estates
- Plaisance
- Plantations Village
- Platinum Estate
- Platinum Park
- Platinum Park
- Platinum Park
- Platinum Park
- Platinum Park
- Plover Park
- Plumstead
- Pollak Green
- Polo Village - Val de Vie
- Pologrande
- Ponderosa
- Ponders End
- Poplar Place
- Powerville Park
- Presidents Place
- Presidents place
- Princeton - Arcata Estate
- Princeton Park
- Protea Glen
- Protea Glen Ext 52
- Protea Glen Ext 52
- Protea Glen Manor
- Protea Glen Manor
- Protea Glen x52
- Protea Retirement Village
- Queen's Park
- Quinta Estate
- Raceway Park
- Raithby Vines
- Ravenswood
- Ravenswood Estate
- Rayton x13
- Reagan Square
- Redstone Private Country Estate
- Reef Acres
- Regent Mews
- Regent Park Retirement Village
- Reiger Park
- Reiger Park
- Reiger Park
- Reiger Park ext 10
- Reiger Park Ext 10
- Reigerpark Ext10
- Rennasance
- Residence on North
- Revolution House
- Richmond Grove
- Ridgeside Residence
- Ridgeview
- Ridgeview Estate
- Ridgeview Estate
- Rietvallei Manor
- Rietvallei Manor
- Rietvlei Whisper
- River View
- River View Cluster
- River Views
- Riverbend
- Riverbend Estate @ Kyalami
- Riverhill
- Riverhill Estate
- Riverlands
- Riverside Gardens
- Riverside Square
- Riverspray Lifestyle Estate
- Riverstone Villas
- Riverview Estate
- Riverview Manor
- Robbins Place
- Robinson Oaks
- Robinson Oaks
- Rochester Village
- Rock Haven
- Rocket Factory
- Rockway Glen
- Roodepark Eco City
- Roodepark Eco City
- Roodepark Eco City 2
- Rosa Royale II
- Rose Garden
- Rose Stone
- Rosemary Estate
- Rosenvale
- Rosewood
- Rosewood Estate
- Roubaix
- Roundabout Brooklyn
- Royal Cradle
- Royal Crest Estate
- Royal Crest Estate
- Royal Estate
- Royal Haven
- Royal Reef West
- Royal Reef West
- Royal Residenz
- Royal Residenz
- Royal Sky
- Royal Sky - Townhouses
- Royale on Main
- Royce Heights
- Rozenmeer
- Rubicon Retirement Village
- Rue Vista
- Sabi River Eco Estate
- Sable
- Saddle Rock
- Saffron Lifestyle
- Saffron Lifestyle
- Sagewood
- Sagewood
- Sagewood
- Sagewood Estate
- Saint Clair
- Salerno
- Salisbury Park Developments
- Sam Rose Valley
- San Andrea
- San Michele
- San Ridge Heights
- San Vito
- Sandberg Village
- Sandown
- Sandpiper
- Sandpiper Nature Reserve and Beach Estate
- Sandton Gate - The Terrace
- Sandton Village
- Sandwood Estate
- Sandylands
- Sante Retirement Village
- Sardinha Park
- Sarpine Estate
- Savanna City
- Savile Row
- Saxophone Hills - Woodwind Estates
- Schelde Villas
- Schoongezicht Country Estate
- Schoongezigt
- Scottsdene Pocket 12
- Sea Cottage Estate
- Sea View Lake Estate
- Seaboard Heights
- Seahorse
- Seaton
- Seaton Estate
- Secreteriat
- Selati
- Selcourt Estate
- Selcourt Estate
- Selcourt Estate
- Selcourt Ext 14
- Selcourt Ext 14
- Selection Park
- Serefino
- Serenity Hills
- Serrano Seaton
- Seven On Garlick
- Seven On Ruth
- Sevilla Estate
- Sevilla Estate
- Seville
- Sharon Park
- Sharon Park Lifestyle Estate
- Sharon Park Lifestyle Estate
- Shebarim
- Sheffield
- Sheffield Hills
- Sheffield Hills
- Sherwood Manor
- Shiloh Coffee and Life Style Estate
- Shiloh Coffee Estate
- Shrike Valley
- Shumbalala
- Sienna
- Sillery Private Estate
- Silver Acres
- Silver Creek
- Silver Leaf
- Silver Oaks
- Silver Pines Estate
- Silver Woods Country Estate
- Silvermine
- Silveroaks Estate
- Silverstone Village
- Silverviews
- Simbini Lifestyle Estate
- Simbithi Verve
- Sirrocco Village
- SIX Cape Town
- Six Fountains
- Six Fountains
- Six Fountains
- Sixteen@23rd
- Sky City
- Skywood
- Slate
- Solaia
- Solé Country Estate
- Sole Estate
- Somerset Lakes
- Somerset Lakes - Kingfisher Terrace
- Somerset Place
- Somerset Place
- Somerton Estate
- Sonkring 2
- Soralia Village
- Soshanguve East Ext 5
- Soshanguve Erf 1196
- Soshanguve Living
- South Breeze Residential Village
- Spanish Farm Estate
- Spartikus Estate
- Speranta
- Spring Glades
- Spring Glades
- Springvale Country Estate
- Springvale Country Estate
- Squirrels Leap
- Squirrel’s Leap
- St Francis Links
- St Francis Links Villas
- St James Corner
- St Kitts
- St Louis
- St Pete
- St. Johns Wood Country Village
- St. John’s Village - Retirement & Lifestyle
- Stanbury Park
- Stanbury Park
- Stanford Manor
- Star Village @ New Protea
- Station House
- Station House
- Steenberg Green
- Stefan Antoni Signature Series
- Stenostelma
- Sterling Estate
- Stone Creek
- Stone Quarter
- Stone Quarter
- Stone River Estate
- Stonebridge
- Stonehaven
- Stonehill
- Stonehurst
- Stonepine Crescent
- Stonewood Estate
- Stonewood Estate
- Stonewood Village Homes
- Strand Beach
- Strand Close 2
- Strand Gardens
- Strata
- Stratton
- Struben of AVIEW
- Struben Place
- Struben Place
- Suikerbossie Residential Estate
- Sultana Close
- Summer Gardens
- Summer Gardens
- Summer Gardens
- Summer Place
- Summer Ridge
- Summer Terraces
- Summer View
- Summer View
- Summer View Estate
- Summer Wind
- Summerclose
- Summerset Hill
- Summerset Village
- Summerset Village
- Sun Rock Village
- Sun Stone
- Sundowner Stars
- Sunrise Villas
- Sunset Boulevard
- Sunset Boulevard
- Sunset Boulevard - Phase 2 and 3
- Sunset Crest
- Sunset Palms
- Sunset Village
- Sunset Village West
- Sunset Village West
- Suro
- Suro
- Sydney Court
- Syon Amorosa
- Taavi’s Place
- Taemane Golf View Estate
- Tahari Coastal Estate
- Tamar Terrace
- Tamarino Estate
- Tamarino Estate Development
- Tanglewood Estate
- Tanglewood Estate
- Tankazicht
- Tarogato View-Woodwind Estates
- Tawny Hawk Villas
- Taylins View
- Taylins View
- Tecoma Views
- Tempo
- Ten Ten Estate
- Ten Ten Private Estate
- Terra Nova Retirement Village
- Tetelestai
- Thaba Eco Village
- Thatchfield Heights
- Thatchhill Security Estate
- The - Boutique Residence
- The Acorns
- The Adelphi
- The Aldro
- The Aloes Lifestyle Estate
- The Anchorage
- The Angelwood
- The Apex on Smuts
- The Arcade
- The Aria
- The Arklow
- The Aster
- The Atrium of Rivonia
- The Aura
- The Aura
- The Aura
- The Austin
- The Avant
- The Avenue
- The Azure
- The Bailey
- The Barkly
- The Barracks
- The Bateleur
- The Bay Golf Estate
- The Beaumont
- The Belair
- The Belgard
- The bloK
- The Bolton
- The Boulders
- The Boulevard
- The Braemar
- The Bridge
- The Bronx
- The Cavendish
- The Centenary Luxury Residence
- The Charlotte
- The Clarinet
- The Clifford
- The Collection at Palm View Estate
- The Cullinan
- The Curragh
- The Curve
- The Dales
- The Duke Apartments
- The Eden
- The Elm
- The Emerald
- The Esplanade Hermanus
- The Estate Albertsdal
- The Estate on St Johns
- The Finn
- The Fitzroy
- The Flamingo
- The Fynbos
- The Galleries
- The Gates
- The Gates at Hilton
- The Glades
- The Grace - Eye Of Africa
- The Grei
- The Grove
- The Grove
- The Heights
- The Herschel
- The Hills
- The Hills
- The Hills Estate
- The Hive
- The Holly
- The Hub
- The Hub
- The Hudson
- The Hudson
- The Hudson @ Amberfield City
- The Hudson Sandown Sentral
- The Iron Works
- The Ivory
- The Kenilworth
- The Landing
- The Lincoln
- The Linden
- The Lineal
- The Links
- The Lombardy
- The Lux
- The Lynnx
- The Lynx
- The Madison
- The Magnolia
- The Malachite
- The Mantle
- The Marais on Rathfelder
- The Marksman
- The Marlo
- The Mea-Nè
- The Meadows
- The Meadows
- The Meadows
- The Meadows - Hazeldean
- The Median
- The Mirage
- The Neighbourhood Collection
- The Niche
- The Oak
- The Oakland
- The Oaks
- The Onyx
- The Orchards
- The Orchards
- The Orchards
- The Orchards Ext51
- The Orchards X 52
- The Orion
- The Palms
- The Palms
- The Palms
- The Paradigm
- The Paramount - Houghton
- The Parks
- The Pines
- The Plettenberg Manor - Luxury Retirement Apartments
- The Plettenberg Manor Exclusive Retirement Resort
- The Point
- The Point - Bedfordview
- The Point - Bryanston
- The Poplar
- The Poplar
- The Portswood
- The Premier
- The Prestige
- The Quails
- The Quarter
- The Radley
- The Rand
- The Raslouw
- The Reserve
- The Reserve
- The Reserve
- The Residence
- The Rest
- The Retreat Retirement Houses
- The Richards West
- The Richmond
- The Richmond
- The Ridge
- The Ridge
- The Rockefeller At Harbour Place
- The Rondebosch
- The Rubik
- The Sedge Apartments
- The Senso
- The Signature
- The Silhouette
- The Solis
- The Somerset Lifestyle & Retirement Village
- The Somerset Lifestyle & Retirement Village - Freehold
- The Somerset Lifestyle & Retirement Village - Life Right
- The Square
- The Stables
- The Streams
- The Tokyo
- The Tungsten
- The Tyrwhitt
- The Tyrwhitt
- The Urban Fox
- The View
- The View
- The Views
- The Village
- The Village
- The Village
- The Village @ Cullinan
- The Villas
- The Villas
- The Vineyards
- The Vineyards - Nooitgedacht Village
- The Wahlberg
- The Wentworth
- The West End
- The Wexford
- The Willowdale
- The Winston
- The Woods
- The Woods
- The Woods Apartments
- The Woods Duplex Houses
- The Woods Elaleni
- The Wynne
- The Yacht Club
- The York
- Thelma of AVIEW
- Theresia Park
- Thirteen West
- Thornbury
- Thornbury
- Thorntree Place Apartments
- Thorntree Place Duplexes
- Thornwood Place
- Thornwood Place
- Three Avenue Picardie
- Three Fountains
- Thulana Hill
- Tibali Lane
- Tirong ext 19
- Tirong ext 19
- Tirong Homes
- Tocara
- Toekomsrus
- Toekomsrus
- Toekomsrus Housing Development
- Toekomsrus x2
- Tokai Apartments
- Tradewinds
- Trendbridge
- Trentbridge
- Trentbridge
- Trinity Lane
- True North
- True North
- True North
- Truro Place
- TTJ Developments by Janet Silva at Kerzner Estate
- Tugela Manor
- Turnberry
- Tuscany Terrace
- Tuscany Views
- Tuscany Views
- Twelve & Third
- Twenty 1
- Twickenham
- Uitgezocht Estate
- Uitsig
- Umgeni Mews
- Umlele Gardens Estate
- Umlele Heights
- Umlele Hills Estate
- Umlele Springs
- Umlele Terraces
- Umthunzi Gardens
- Umthunzi Origins
- Umthunzi Valley
- Umthunzi Views
- Urban Square
- Urban Tana
- Urban View
- Urbika
- Urbika Lake Village
- Urbika Lifestyle Estate
- Urbika Lifestyle Estate
- Urbika Lifestyle Estate
- Urbika Lifestyle Estate
- Uzziel
- Vaal de Grace
- Vachellia
- Val de Vie - The Vines Development
- Val de Vie Polo Village
- Val de Vie The Vines
- Valriche Estate Phase 2
- Vanderbijlpark
- Vanderbijlpark Ce 3
- Ventura
- Verdeau Lifestyle Estate
- Via Vitae Residential Estate
- Vida Nova
- Vida Unico Residential Estate
- View à Bay
- Villa Baroque
- Villa Baroque
- Villa Bianco
- Villa Bianco
- Villa Chanté
- Villa Chante
- Villa Chante
- Villa Del Mare Estate
- Villa Garda
- Villa Glen
- Villa Granito
- Villa Grigio
- Villa La Seule
- Villa Nirvana - Phase 4
- Villa Palido
- Villa Pierro
- Villa Rosso
- Villa Rus
- Villa Rustica
- Villa Trianta
- Village on 19
- Village Walk
- Villandrie
- Villandrie
- Villiers Village
- Vini Fera
- Vino Estate
- Vista
- Vogelsang Landgoed
- Voliere
- Vredenheim Close
- Vygeboom Estate
- Waitikiri
- Walford
- Walford Estate
- Walford Estate
- Walnut Grove
- Waterberg Estate
- Waterberg Fields Estate
- Waterberry
- Waterberry Heights
- Waterberry Views Estate
- Waterfall Country Estate and Village
- Waterfall Equestrian Estate
- Waterfall Estate
- Waterfall Hills Retirement Estate
- Waterfall Manor
- Waterfall Valley Retirement Estate
- Waterkloof Marina Retirement Estate
- Waterkloof Marina Retirement Estate
- Waterkloof On Main
- Waterpoort
- Waters Edge
- Watsonia Village
- Waverley Ridge
- Waverley Ridge
- Waverley Ridge
- Waverley Square
- Waverley Square
- Weaver Creek
- Wedgewood Golf & Country Estate
- Wedgewood Golf and Country Estate
- Welgedaan Secure Estate
- Welgegund Domaine Prive
- Weskus Villas
- West End
- West Rock Villas
- Westminster Place
- Westonaria Ext 10
- Westonaria X10
- Westrock Villas
- Westview Security Estate
- Wex Lofts
- Whale Rock Resort
- Whale Rock Verde
- Whispering Pines
- Wilde Paarde Country Estate
- Wilde Paarde Country Estate
- Wilders View
- Wildflower Estate
- Wilfordon
- Wilgenhof II
- Willow Bush Village
- Willow Falls Apartments
- Willow Falls Houses
- Willow Lane
- Willow Lane
- Willow Wood Estate
- Willow Wood Estate
- Willowbrook Estate
- Willowbrook Estate
- Willowglen
- Wilson Manor
- Windmill Manor
- Windmill Manor
- Windmill Park
- Windmill Park
- Windmill Park
- Windmill Park
- Windmill Park Ext 31
- Windmill Park Ext 32
- Windmill Park Ext 40
- Windmill Park X38
- Windsor Place
- Winelands Village
- Wingcrest
- Witfield Ridge
- Witfield Ridge
- Witfield Ridge
- Wonder Park Estates
- Wonderpark Estate
- Wonderpark Estate
- Woodhurst
- Woodlands
- Woodlands Estate
- Woodlands Lane
- Wycombe Place
- Xanadu Heights
- Xanadu Heights
- Xanadu Heights
- Xanadu Security Estate
- Yellow Wood Close
- Yellow Wood Gardens
- Yellowwood
- Yellowwood
- YO Residences
- York
- Yzerfontein Heights
- Zambezi Manor Lifestyle Estate
- Zambezi Manor Lifestyle Estate
- Zambezi Manor Lifestyle Estate
- Zambezi Manor Lifestyle Estate
- Zanddrift Lifestyle Estate
- Zarina
- Zevenwacht Lifestyle Estate
- Zimbali Lakes
- Zinnia
- Zomerlust
- Zomerlust
- Zonnezicht
- Zonnezicht
- Zuleni Private Estate
- Zululami Villas
- Secure family living in Cape Town
- Getting hitched and home-hunting
- A new home for your growing family
- New homes in Pretoria
- Cape Town homes under R500 000
- Johannesburg homes under R500 000
- Homes near the ocean
- Affordable homes now a reality
- Gauteng equestrian estates
- Gauteng homes under R400 000
- Cape Town homes under R400 000
- South African eco-estates
- Beautiful plots in South Africa
- New developments in Cape Town
- New developments in Port Elizabeth
- Affordable developments in Cape Town
- New Gauteng developments for sale
- New developments in Stellenbosch
- New Gauteng homes priced from R700 000
- Port Elizabeth's continued expansion
- New small developments
- Perfect homes for the eager golfer
- Homes for under 1.5 million
- Retire in comfort
- Apartments in Gauteng
- Beautiful spots to live
- The latest Cape Town developments
- New upmarket homes in KwaZulu Natal
- Eastern Cape homes under R500 000
- Kwa-Zulu Natal homes under R500 000
- The perfect investment
- Developments we love
- Living in the winelands