Le Parc Residential Estate

Paarl South, Western Cape, South Africa

For sale in Le Parc Residential Estate


A list of units for Le Parc Residential Estate giving a detailed breakdown of what is available for sale.

Price Range
Label Price Status Plans Plot Size Unit Size
11 R2,720,000  Available Type E 287.0 ㎡ 129.0 ㎡
82 R2,699,000  Available Type E 239.0 ㎡ 129.0 ㎡
86 R2,699,000  Available Type E 239.0 ㎡ 129.0 ㎡
111 R2,699,000  Available Type E 239.0 ㎡ 129.0 ㎡
115 R2,699,000  Available Type E 239.0 ㎡ 129.0 ㎡
120 R2,699,000  Available Type E 239.0 ㎡ 129.0 ㎡
124 R2,699,000  Available Type E 239.0 ㎡ 129.0 ㎡
6 R2,950,000  Available Type F 332.0 ㎡ 146.0 ㎡
80 R2,950,000  Available Type F 294.0 ㎡ 146.0 ㎡
109 R2,950,000  Available Type F 294.0 ㎡ 146.0 ㎡
126 R2,950,000  Available Type F 294.0 ㎡ 146.0 ㎡
88 R3,155,000  Available Type G 406.0 ㎡ 142.0 ㎡
117 R3,155,000  Available Type G 406.0 ㎡ 142.0 ㎡
118 R3,155,000  Available Type G 381.0 ㎡ 142.0 ㎡