For sale in Kleijne Wingerd


A list of units for Kleijne Wingerd giving a detailed breakdown of what is available for sale.

Price Range
Label Price Status Unit Size Phase
326 R1,199,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
327 R1,199,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
402 R1,199,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
413 R1,199,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
414 R1,199,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
416 R1,299,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
419 R1,199,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
425 R1,199,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
428 R1,199,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
623 R1,299,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
712 R1,299,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡
713 R1,299,000  Under-offer 50.5 ㎡