For sale in Orchard Row


A list of units for Orchard Row giving a detailed breakdown of what is available for sale.

Price Range
Label Price Status Plans Description Unit Size
308 B R919,092  Available Unit Type 2 with single garage 130.0 ㎡
311 A R910,074  Available No Garage 104.0 ㎡
301 A R1,016,824  Sold Unit Type 1 With double garage 150.0 ㎡
302 B R938,092  Sold Unit Type 2 with single garage 130.0 ㎡
303 A R999,000  Sold Unit Type 1 With double garage 150.0 ㎡
305 A R997,824  Sold Unit Type 1 With double garage 150.0 ㎡
307 A R997,824  Sold Unit Type 1 With double garage 150.0 ㎡
309 A R997,824  Sold Unit Type 1 With double garage 150.0 ㎡
310 B R957,392  Sold Unit Type 1 With double garage 150.0 ㎡
312 B R869,642  Sold No Garage 91.0 ㎡
304 B R919,092  Unreleased Unit Type 2 with single garage 130.0 ㎡
306 B R919,092  Unreleased Unit Type 2 with single garage 130.0 ㎡