For sale in Ochre


A list of units for Ochre giving a detailed breakdown of what is available for sale.

Price Range
Label Price Status Plans Unit Size
54 R615,000  Under-offer Phase 3Type A - Ground Floor 58.0 ㎡
57 R615,000  Under-offer Phase 3Type A - Ground Floor 58.0 ㎡
72 R615,000  Under-offer Phase 3Type A - Ground Floor 58.0 ㎡
82 R605,000  Under-offer Phase 4Type A - First Floor 58.0 ㎡
93 R615,000  Under-offer Phase 4Type A - Ground Floor 58.0 ㎡
97 R605,000  Under-offer Phase 4Type A - First Floor 58.0 ㎡
100 R605,000  Under-offer Phase 4Type A - First Floor 58.0 ㎡